文理学部シラバスTOP > 大学院博士前期課程 > 社会学専攻 > 社会学基礎演習



令和2年度以降入学者 社会学基礎演習
教員名 濱本真一
単位数    1 課程 前期課程 開講区分 文理学部
科目群 社会学専攻
学期 前期 履修区分 選択必修
授業形態 対面授業
授業の形態 All classes will be held on site. Some homework may be changed to homework depending on the participant's schedule.
Canvas LMSコースID・コース名称 WG2007A46 2024社会学基礎演習(濱本真一・前・火3)
授業概要 Basic Statistics with R Computation
This class introduces introductory statistics using R computing. The basis of statistics is essential in any science, including sociology. To better understand statistics, it is necessary to observe the behavior of the data through demonstrations. The statistical open-source software R is widely used because of its flexibility for data analysis. This class aims to understand the basic statistics theories and the actual analytical methods using them.
授業のねらい・到達目標 After completing this course, participants are expected to be able to:
(1) understand the basic statistics theories that are widely employed in sociological research
(2) analyze empirical data for their research question with R.
授業の形式 演習
  • Participants are required to:
    1. summarize and explain the contents of the textbook to the class, and
    2. demonstrate the analytical methods of their assigned section using R.

  • We will promote understanding through in-class discussion.
  • All class schedules and shared materials will be managed through the Class Website. Participants will be invited to the portal site.
    • You need to get the Notion personal account. We reccomend to use them in academic plan with your NU-Apps address.
履修条件 Recquired
  • Undergraduate-level programming and English are required.
  • All participants MUST read each chapter before the class.
  • Some papers are assigned for those who wish to participate in the course without obtaining credit.
  • Cross-enrollment is permitted. Highly motivated graduate students are welcome.
  • Students must attend the first class, as the chapters will be assigned at the first class.
1 Guidance, Scheduling, and introducing Notion

【事前学習】See this Syllabus (0.5時間)
【事後学習】Get the textbook and start reading the chapter you assinged (3.5時間)
2 Getting Started with R

【事前学習】Clearify the unclear point in the textbook (3時間)
【事後学習】Practice and answer the problems in the textbook as you need (1時間)
3 Univariate data

【事前学習】Prepare the resume / Clearify the unclear point in the textbook (3時間)
【事後学習】Practice and answer the problems in the textbook as you need (1時間)
4 Bivariate data

【事前学習】Prepare the resume / Clearify the unclear point in the textbook (3時間)
【事後学習】Practice and answer the problems in the textbook as you need (1時間)
5 Multivariate data

【事前学習】Prepare the resume / Clearify the unclear point in the textbook (3時間)
【事後学習】Practice and answer the problems in the textbook as you need (1時間)
6 Graphics

【事前学習】Prepare the resume / Clearify the unclear point in the textbook (3時間)
【事後学習】Practice and answer the problems in the textbook as you need (1時間)
7 Populations and Samples

【事前学習】Prepare the resume / Clearify the unclear point in the textbook (3時間)
【事後学習】Practice and answer the problems in the textbook as you need (1時間)
8 The Central Limit Theorem

【事前学習】Prepare the resume / Clearify the unclear point in the textbook (3時間)
【事後学習】Practice and answer the problems in the textbook as you need (1時間)
9 Confidence intervals

【事前学習】Prepare the resume / Clearify the unclear point in the textbook (3時間)
【事後学習】Practice and answer the problems in the textbook as you need (1時間)
10 Binomial Statistics: Closs tabulation and χ2 test

【事前学習】Prepare the resume / Clearify the unclear point in the textbook (3時間)
【事後学習】Practice and answer the problems in the textbook as you need (1時間)
11 Significance Tests for Populations

【事前学習】Prepare the resume / Clearify the unclear point in the textbook (3時間)
【事後学習】Practice and answer the problems in the textbook as you need (1時間)
12 Significance Tests for Two-Sample Statistics

【事前学習】Prepare the resume / Clearify the unclear point in the textbook (3時間)
【事後学習】Practice and answer the problems in the textbook as you need (1時間)
13 Goodness of fit and χ2 test

【事前学習】Prepare the resume / Clearify the unclear point in the textbook (3時間)
【事後学習】Practice and answer the problems in the textbook as you need (1時間)
14 Simple Linear Regression

【事前学習】Prepare the resume / Clearify the unclear point in the textbook (3時間)
【事後学習】Practice and answer the problems in the textbook as you need (1時間)
15 Multiple Linear Regression (and gleaning)

【事前学習】Prepare the resume / Clearify the unclear point in the textbook (3時間)
【事後学習】Practice and answer the problems in the textbook as you need (1時間)
教科書 John Verzani, Using R for Introductory Statistics:The R Series, Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2018, 2 edition
参考書 There are several introductions to statistics and R.
eg) https://learningstatisticswithr.com/
成績評価の方法及び基準 レポート:Answer the Selected Probrems(50%)、授業参画度:Shared Marerials & Contribution to discussion(50%)
Please participate actively in the discussion. Not speaking anything in the classroom is equal to not being there.
オフィスアワー time: Tuesday 14:40-16:10(Pre-appointments are recommended)
location: My Laboratory(Main building 3rd floor)
  • All Lessons will be held in Japanese.
  • All Students must bring their computer with R installed.
  • R is available from Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN)
  • Vitae Vestrae brevae sunt, Longae artes.
