文理学部シラバスTOP > 文理学部 > 英語 > オーラル英語3



令和2年度以降入学者 オーラル英語3
令和元年度以前入学者 オーラル英語3
教員名 バーンズアンドリュー
単位数    1 学年 1~4 開講区分 文理学部
科目群 外国語科目
学期 前期 履修区分 選択
授業形態 対面授業
授業の形態 All classes except 第1回 will be taught【In-Person】. 第1回 will be through 【On Demand】video.

• Classroom lectures(講義)
• In-class discussions(討議)
• Studentsʼ presentations(学⽣の発表・グループのプロジェクト)
• Role games (役割のゲーム)
Blackboard ID 20230377
授業概要 The aim of this course is to help students improve their English communication skills. This will range from individual presentation skills to those required for group work. Before each class students will be expected to read a contemporary news article (Breaking News English) and complete an accompanying activity sheet. Class time will then be used for developing communication skills, participating in group discussions, as well as decision-making activities, based on the themes introduced in the article. To support vocabulary and grammar acquisition, students will also be expected to engage in extensive reading using the XReading online library. Completion of this course will equip students with communicative English language skills which can be leveraged in casual, academic, and business settings.
授業のねらい・到達目標 Able to listen to contemporary news reports in spoken English. Listening activities will use both British and North American varieties of English. (A-3-3)(A-4-3)(A-6-3)

Able to express their opinion on a variety of contemporary topics.(A-3-3)(A-4-3)(A-6-3)

Able to participate in conversation, debate, and simulated meetings. (A-3-3)(A-4-3)(A-6-3)

この科⽬は⽂理学部のDP及びCPの3, 4, 6 に対応している。
授業の形式 演習
授業の方法 演習⽅式


Feedback will be provided in class or online when assignments are returned.
履修条件 ・同一教員・同一時限で前期と後期を対にして履修すること。
1 【On Demand】 Orientation Session: Education 1 (A-3-3、A-4-3、A-6-3)
第1回 will be through On Demand videos in Blackboard:
- Course expectations
- Introduction to IPA pronunciation
- Introduction to X-reading
- Article: No loss of marks for spelling mistakes at UK university (14th April, 2021)
【事前学習】Register on Google Classroom (0.5時間)
【事後学習】Register on Xreading (0.5時間)
2 【In-Person】 Education 2 (A-3-3、A-4-3、A-6-3)
- Article: Professor lectures for two hours online - on mute (13th February, 2021)
- Pronunciation practice (IPA)
- Oral communication activities
- Mini-quiz
【事前学習】Complete Article homework activities (0.5時間)
【事後学習】Extensive Reading (XReading) (1時間)
3 【In-Person】 Education 3 (A-3-3、A-4-3、A-6-3)
- Article: Anti-cheating exam hats used in Philippines college (27th October, 2022)
- Pronunciation practice (IPA)
- Oral communication activities
- Mini-quiz
【事前学習】Complete Article homework activities (0.5時間)
【事後学習】Extensive Reading (XReading) (1時間)
4 【In-Person】 Science 1 (A-3-3、A-4-3、A-6-3)
- Article: Brain implant lets man write using thoughts (16th May, 2021)
- Pronunciation practice (IPA)
- Oral communication activities
- Mini-quiz
【事前学習】Complete Article homework activities (0.5時間)
【事後学習】Extensive Reading (XReading) (1時間)
5 【In-Person】 Science 2 (A-3-3、A-4-3、A-6-3)
- Article: Scientists show the world 'Dragon Man' (29th June, 2021)
- Pronunciation practice (IPA)
- Oral communication activities
- Mini-quiz
【事前学習】Complete Article homework activities (0.5時間)
【事後学習】Extensive Reading (XReading) (1時間)
6 【In-Person】 Science 3 (A-3-3、A-4-3、A-6-3)
- Article: Scientists make skin look 30 years younger (14th April, 2022)
- Pronunciation practice (IPA)
- Oral communication activities
- Mini-quiz
【事前学習】Complete Article homework activities (0.5時間)
【事後学習】Extensive Reading (XReading) (1時間)
7 【In-Person】 Presentation 1 (A-6-3)
- Individual Presentations
- Q&A Session
- Book review 1 (Xreading)
【事前学習】Presentation 1 preparation (1時間)
【事後学習】Extensive Reading (XReading) (1時間)
8 【In-Person】 Health 1 (A-3-3、A-4-3、A-6-3)
- Article: Slow walking speed at 45 linked to faster ageing (16th October, 2019)
- Oral communication activities
- Pronunciation practice (IPA)
【事前学習】Complete Article homework activities (0.5時間)
【事後学習】Extensive Reading (XReading) (1時間)
9 【In-Person】 Health 2 (A-3-3、A-4-3、A-6-3)
- Article: Why thinking makes us feel tired (18th August, 2022)
- Pronunciation practice (IPA)
- Oral communication activities
- Mini-quiz
【事前学習】Complete Article homework activities (0.5時間)
【事後学習】Extensive Reading (XReading) (1時間)
10 【In-Person】 Health 3 (A-3-3、A-4-3、A-6-3)
- Article: Living by the sea makes us happier (4th October, 2019)
- Pronunciation practice (IPA)
- Oral communication activities
- Mini-quiz
【事前学習】Complete Article homework activities (0.5時間)
【事後学習】Extensive Reading (XReading) (1時間)
11 【In-Person】 Work 1 (A-3-3、A-4-3、A-6-3)
- Article: Amazon creates 'AmaZen' booths for stressed workers (1st June, 2021)
- Pronunciation practice (IPA)
- Oral communication activities
- Mini-quiz
【事前学習】Complete Article homework activities (0.5時間)
【事後学習】Extensive Reading (XReading) (1時間)
12 【In-Person】 Work 2 (A-3-3、A-4-3、A-6-3)
- Article: Japanese company allow pets into the office (26th September, 2022)
- Pronunciation practice (IPA)
- Oral communication activities
- Mini-quiz
【事前学習】Complete Article homework activities (0.5時間)
【事後学習】Extensive Reading (XReading) (1時間)
13 【In-Person】 Work 3 (A-3-3、A-4-3、A-6-3)
- Article: Millionaires say 'tax us more' (26th May, 2022)
- Pronunciation practice (IPA)
- Oral communication activities
- Mini-quiz
【事前学習】Complete Article homework activities (0.5時間)
【事後学習】Extensive Reading (XReading) (1時間)
14 【In-Person】 Presentation 2 (A-6-3)
- Group Presentations
- Q&A Session
- Book review 2 (Xreading)
【事前学習】Presentation 2 preparation (1時間)
【事後学習】Exam preparation (1時間)
15 【In-Person】 Exam Week
- Speaking tests and feedback
- Communication skills and vocabulary test
【事前学習】Exam preparation (1時間)
教科書 Paul Goldberg, X-Reading Virtual Library One Year Access Card:9784865390704, XLearning Systems, 2016
Handouts will be provided through Google Classroom and physically in class.
参考書 使用しない
成績評価の方法及び基準 レポート:Presentation 1; Group Project 2 (30%)、授業内テスト:Speaking test; Communication Skills and vocabulary test (30%)、授業参画度:Class participation (20%)、Mini-quizzes (20%)
オフィスアワー Please send an email to "[email protected]" to schedule an appointment.
