文理学部シラバスTOP > 大学院博士前期課程 > 英文学専攻 > 英語圏文学特殊研究3



令和2年度入学者 英語圏文学特殊研究3
令和元年度以前入学者 英米文学特殊講義7
教員名 チルトンマイルズ
単位数    2 課程 前期課程 開講区分 文理学部
科目群 英文学専攻
学期 前期 履修区分 選択必修
授業の形態 On demand, using Blackboard for research and self-study tasks. There is also the possibility of real-time video discussions. Please consult Blackboard for the final version of the syllabus, as there will be changes. The schedule below is only approximate because the form of this online schedule makes no sense in the case of an on-demand, asynchronous class.
授業概要 The great changes of the twentieth century had their roots in the Enlightenment’s privileging of rationalism, which resulted in weakening the influence of religion; and in the Industrial Revolution, which brought mechanization into the workplace, increased urbanization, and further separating humans from nature. Behind these movements hovered Romanticism’s celebration of the specialness of each person’s imagination and existence, the steady erosion of feudalism in favor of capitalism, and the rise of the nation state and the idea of national identity. Then came World War One and the mass slaughter of the newly arisen ‘common man.’ In aftermath of these enormous social and cultural changes, Anglophone writers joined their European counterparts in struggling to understand the place of the individual in a rapidly modernizing world.
This course will sample some prominent literary explorations of selfhood in the face of these changes. The challenges of creating and maintaining a sense of self often proved too great. Alienation – whether voluntary or involuntary – became a main focus of novels, short stories, and poetry. The spring semester will concentrate on America, and how despite the promise of freedom, democracy, and the enshrinement of the pursuit of happiness in the national ethos, literature often found itself both lamenting and celebrating aliens and outsiders of various kinds.
This is also a course on reading, writing, thinking and discussion – the fundamental skills of scholars in the humanities. As such, we are here to gain a deeper understanding of the value of critical responses to ideas, assumptions, and theories, and the ways literary texts can challenge us to rethink our relationship to the world. We are also here to hone our abilities: as close readers of texts; as critical thinkers; as participants in lively, engaging, civil and enlightening discussions; and as writers of clearly and concisely argued literary-critical essays.
Because this course is about learning how to respond critically to texts, there is a heavy emphasis on your contribution. That contribution will take two forms: participation in class discussions, and written assignments. Students should prepare by reading the assigned texts and thinking of questions and points to discuss.
授業のねらい・到達目標 Students who successfully compete the course will be able to, in English,
• understand the conflicts, themes, and structures of the course texts
• discuss critical and interpretive responses to the above
• understand relationships between social change, and literary/cultural representation
• understand the effects of historical changes on both a community and an individual
• understand American notions of selfhood, belonging, and their opposites in terms of urbanization, occupation, ideologies, race, and gender
• read fiction with minimal recourse to a dictionary
• write a thesis-based essay using textual evidence to support claims and analyze quotations
授業の方法 As this course will be completely online, the goal is to have students spend about three hours a week doing a mixture of reading, writing, and communicating with the other students and the instructor. For students, the basic pattern of the course should be:
1. Read the assigned text.
2. Write a response to questions or prompts on the Blackboard Discussion Board. Some of these questions will aid in reading comprehension. Other prompts will require students to formulate critical and interpretive responses relating to literary, historical, cultural, and theoretical concerns raised by the reading.
3. Discuss the text and student responses. These discussions will also be written on the Blackboard Discussion Board, and possibly real-time discussions using Zoom or Blackboard Collaborate. I’ll give more information on real-time discussions later in the course.
In the first two weeks, we will read and discuss Edgar Allan Poe’s short story “Man of the Crowd.” For the following six weeks, we will read and discuss Paul Auster’s novel City of Glass. In the final six weeks, we will read and discuss Toni Morrison’s novel Sula. To prepare for each class, in addition to the assigned reading, students will write answers and responses to questions and prompts. Some of these questions will aid in reading comprehension. Other prompts will require students to formulate critical and interpretive responses relating to literary, historical, cultural, and theoretical concerns raised by the reading. In addition to readings and discussions, students will write a final essay.
1 Introduction; what is alienation; what does it mean to be an ‘outsider’?
The first part of the class will introduce the syllabus, assignments, and expectations of the class. The second part will be for students to explore what it means to be a part of a group, and the implications of exclusion – voluntary or involuntary.
【事前学習】Read the syllabus online. (1 時間)
【事後学習】Read Edgar Allan Poe, “Man of the Crowd,” complete study tasks/questions. (2 時間)
2 In this class we will discuss how Poe represents the idea of being alone in a crowd. Students will participate by offering answers from their homework and discussing the reading in class. We will also preview the next text we will read, Paul Auster’s novel City of Glass.
【事前学習】Reread Edgar Allan Poe, “Man of the Crowd,” review homework, notes. (2 時間)
【事後学習】Read Paul Auster, City of Glass, chapters 1-2 (pages 3-26), complete study tasks. (2 時間)
3 This class will feature discussion of details in the novel, but also interpretive questions and discussions. Students will participate by offering answers from their homework and discussing the reading in class.
【事前学習】Reread City of Glass, chapters 1-2, review homework, notes. (2 時間)
【事後学習】Read City of Glass, chapters 3-6 (pages 27-60), complete study tasks/questions. (2 時間)
4 This class will feature more discussion of details in the novel, but also interpretive questions and discussions, particularly about subjectivity. Students will participate by offering answers from their homework and discussing the reading in class.
【事前学習】Reread City of Glass, chapters 3-6, review homework, notes. (2 時間)
【事後学習】Read City of Glass, chapters 7-8 (pages 61-87), complete study tasks/questions. (2 時間)
5 This class will feature more discussion of details in the novel, but also interpretive questions and discussions, particularly about detective fiction as a genre. Students will participate by offering answers from their homework and discussing the reading in class.
【事前学習】Reread City of Glass, chapters 7-8, review homework, notes. (2 時間)
【事後学習】Read City of Glass, chapters 9-10 (pages 88-123), complete study tasks/questions. (2 時間)
6 This class will have students work in pairs to discuss their close readings of two key passages from this week’s reading.
【事前学習】Reread City of Glass, chapters 9-10, review homework, notes. (2 時間)
【事後学習】Read City of Glass, chapters 11-13 (pages 124-158), complete study tasks/questions. (2 時間)
7 In addition to discussion of homework questions and study tasks, this class will focus on questions surrounding modern and postmodern ideas of the self, and how they are represented in the novel.
【事前学習】Reread City of Glass, chapters 11-13, review homework, notes. (2 時間)
【事後学習】Reread sections of City of Glass, complete study tasks/questions. (2 時間)
8 This class continues the discussion focus of the previous class. Student groups will analyze the enigmatic ending of the novel and give a brief presentation.
【事前学習】Reread pertinent sections of City of Glass, homework, and notes. (2 時間)
【事後学習】Read Toni Morrison, Sula, pages 3-29, complete study tasks/questions (2 時間)
9 First, essay topics will be distributed and the assignment details will be explained. The final essay will be 9-10 pages, due 7/14. Then the class will discuss the opening pages of Sula, and discuss interpretive questions and the novel's historical background.
【事前学習】Reread Sula, pages 3-29, review homework, notes. (2 時間)
【事後学習】Read Sula, pages 30-66, complete study tasks/questions. (2 時間)
10 After a brief lecture about Toni Morrison and the cultural politics of race in America, the class will discuss the study questions, then present their views on racial and ethnic outsiders in Japan.
【事前学習】Reread Sula, pages 30-66, review homework, notes. (2 時間)
【事後学習】Read Sula, pages 67-85, complete study tasks/questions. (2 時間)
11 This class continues the discussion of racial and ethnic outsiders. The class will discuss responses to the study tasks, details in the novel, and additional interpretive questions.
【事前学習】Reread Sula, pages 67-85, review homework, notes. (2 時間)
【事後学習】Read Sula, pages 9-111, complete study tasks/questions. (2 時間)
12 This class will feature more discussion of details in the novel, but also interpretive questions and discussions, particularly about how Morrison blends narrative with characterization. Students will participate by offering answers from their homework and discussing the reading in class.
【事前学習】Reread Sula, pages 9-111, review homework, notes. (2 時間)
【事後学習】Read Sula, pages 112-149, complete study tasks/questions. (2 時間)
13 In addition to discussion of homework questions and study tasks, this class will focus on questions surrounding racialized ideas of the self, and how they are represented in the novel.
【事前学習】Reread Sula, pages 112-149, review homework, notes. (2 時間)
【事後学習】Read Sula, pages 150-174, complete study tasks/questions. (2 時間)
14 This class will feature more discussion of details in the novel, but also interpretive questions and discussions, particularly about the moral questions raised by the novel. Students will participate by offering answers from their homework and discussing the reading in class.
【事前学習】Reread Sula, pages 150-174, review homework, notes. (2 時間)
【事後学習】Write final essay first draft; have draft checked before submission. (2 時間)
15 Final essays are due. The final part of the class will be spent in review and reflection on the texts read this semester and ideas of self and belonging.
【事前学習】Complete final draft, proofread before submission. (2 時間)
【事後学習】Write a reflection on issues raised by the readings and class discussions. (2 時間)
教科書 City of Glass:Paul Auster, Penguin ISBN: 0-14-013155-8
Sula:Toni Morrison, Vintage Classics ISBN-13: 978-0099760016
Other materials will be supplied by the instructor.
参考書 使用しない
成績評価の方法及び基準 レポート:final essay(50%)、assignments and discussions(50%)
オフィスアワー Monday 16:30-17:30, Tuesday 16:30-17:30
