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Literature of Japan


令和元年度入学者 Literature of Japan
教員名 梅川純代
単位数    2 学年 1~4 開講区分 文理学部
科目群 総合教育科目
学期 半期 履修区分 選択
授業概要 This course will investigate several Japanese stories which have been affected by Chinese tales. Through the comparative techniques, we attempt to see the similarities and differences in religious, philosophical and social groundings in synonimous stories in two different countries.
授業のねらい・到達目標 It is common to compose literary works as a homage to or by pirating the preceeding works. It is often the case that such continuous evaluation of a motif results in the construction of much better and interesting stories. By examining original and homaged works,we would achieve to the deeper understandings of the literary works.

授業の方法 This lecture will be performed both in lecture-style and group works by students. Firstly, the lecture concerning about the Chinese and Japanese materials will be given. Secondly, students should read literary works in English before or the during the lesson and fill out the worksheet for comparison and contrust. Then, students should be divided into groups and discuss what have caused such similarities and differences. Finally, we will summarise the entire group discussion in a class. All the materials will be handed in a class in English. Students may be be requred to do some readings/translation works afterwards.
1 Introduction: This lecture will introduce the course schedule and course style. Students will be roughly provided Chinese dynastic history in relation with Japanese history. Preparation: Checking the history of China. Review: Going through the English terms for Chinese Dynasties.
2 Fairy Cave and the Tale of Urashima 1-A Variation of Urashima Ledgends; We will go through the history and the variations of "Tales of Urashima" and investigate the backgrounds to understand this legend. Preparation: Checking the tale or the children's song of Urashima to have general ideas of Urashima ledgend. Review: Going through the lecture notes to have deeper understandings of the backgrounds of the ledgened.
3 Fairy Cave and the Tale of Urashima 2- "Fairy Cave"; As a basis of Japanese "Urashima legend", we will read Chinese tale "Fairy Cave". Firstly, the background information of the material will be given. Then, students will be given approximately 60 minutes of reading and filling out worksheet time. Preparation: Checking the prot of "Fairy Cave" in Japanese if one is not confident enough in reading English. Review: Continue and finish reading and filling the sheet.
4 Fairy Cave and the Tale of Urashima 3- "The Sequel to the Ledgend of Urashimako": We will read "The Sequel to the Ledgend ofUrashimako". Firstly, the background information of the material will be given. Then, students will be given approximately 60 minutes of reading and filling out worksheet time. Preparation: Students may read "Sequel" in Japanese beforehand, though it is written in Kanbun sytle. Review: Continue and finish reading and filling the sheet.
5 Fairy Cave and the Tale of Urashima 4- Group discussion and Summary: Based on two pieces of worksheet, students will discuss the similarities and differences of two tales. Preparation: Going through the two worksheets so that one can speak out in the group discussion. Review: Complete the short essay on the basis of discussions.
6 The Tale of the Weretiger and the Moon Above the Mountains 1-"The Weretiger": We will move on to second comparison and contrust. Firstly, we will focus on Chiinese tale of "The Weretiger". Firstly, the background information of the material will be given. Then, students will be given approximately 60 minutes of reading and filling out worksheet time. Preparation; Students may read "The Weretiger" or check the prot beforehand, though original is written in ancient Chinese. Review: Continue and finish reading and filling the sheet.
7 The Tale of the Weretiger and the Moon Above the Mountains 2-"The Moon Above the Mountain"; This lecture moves on the Japanese story "The Moon Above the Mountain" by Atsushi Nakajima, which was written on the basis of Chinese "The Weretiger". Firstly, the backgrounds information will be given and students will be given approximately 60 minutes of reading and filling out worksheet time. Preparation: Students may read or check the prot of "Moon over the mountains" if one is not confident in reading English. Review: Review: Continue and finish reading and filling the sheet.
8 The Tale of the Weretiger and the Moon Above the Mountains 3- Group Discussion and Summary: Based on two pieces of worksheet, students will discuss the similarities and differences of two tales. Preparation: Going through two worksheets for the forthcoming discussion. Review: Complete the short essay on the basis of discussions.
9 The Tale of the White Surpent and The Lust in the Nature of Snake 1; We will move onto the third comparison and contrust. This lecture will concentrate on Chinese tale of "The White Surpent". Firstly, the background informations will be given and students start reading and filling out the worksheet within approximately 60 minutes. Preparation: Students may read the "White Surpent" or check the prot beforehand, though the original is written in English and there are several different versions. Review: Review: Continue and finish reading and filling the sheet.
10 The Tale of the White Surpent and The Lust in the Nature of Snake 2: We will move onto
Japanese "The Lust in the Nature of Snake" by Akinari Ueda, which was written on the basis of Chinese "White Surpent". Firstly, the background information will be given and students will read and fill in the worksheet within approximately 60 minutes. Preparation: Students are recommended to go through the "The Lust" or check the prot beforehand, as it is rather long story. Review: Continue and finish reading and filling the sheet.
11 The Tale of the White Surpent and The Lust in the Nature of Snake 3-Group Discussion and Summary: Based on two pieces of worksheet, students will discuss the similarities and differences of two tales. Preparation: Going through two worksheets for the discussion. Review: Complete the short essay on the basis of the discussion.
12 Chinese Manual on Sexual Art and Its Japanese Handbook 1- Art of theBedchamber; We will go through the history and development of Chinese manuals for the art of the bedchamber as a basis for the following lectures. By doing so, we will understand how the technical words were treated in those manuals and how the specialistic knowledge was needed to read the encoded writings. Preparation: Checking the term "Makura Bunko". Review: Going through the lecture note for better understandings.
13 Chinese Sex Manual and Its Japanese Handbook 2-Reading Fanhua Liqin; We will read Chinese later sex manual transmitted to Japan, "Fanhua Liqin". Firstly, the background information will be given and students will read and fill the worksheet. Preparation: Checking R.H.Van Gulik's "Erotic Colour Prints of Ming Dynasty", if possible. Review: Continue and finish reading and filling the sheet.
14 Chinese Sex Manual and Its Japanese Handbook 2- Reading Makura Bunko by Keisai Eisen; We will read Japanese "explanatory book" on Chinese "Fanhua Liqin" by Keisai Eisen to see how Japanese without technical knowledge interpreted Chinese sex manuals. Firstly, the background information will be given and students will read and fill the worksheet. This particular material will be given in Japanese so to spare the reading time. We hopefully proceed to the class discussion. Preparation: Checking "Makura Bunko" as this material was almost perfectly copied in the material, though written in Edo Japanese. Review: Continue and finish reading and filling the sheet.
15 Revision: We will go through the whole lessons. Students may ask questions and request further explanations. Preparation: Going through the lecture notes, worksheets and own short essays and list up questions if there are any. Review: Going through worksheets.
教科書 使用しない
参考書 使用しない
成績評価の方法及び基準 レポート(60%)、授業参画度(40%)
オフィスアワー e-mail to [email protected]
