令和元年度入学者 | The Earth and the Environment | ||||
教員名 | 村上直久 | ||||
単位数 | 2 | 学年 | 1~4 | 開講区分 | 文理学部 |
科目群 | 総合教育科目 | ||||
学期 | 半期 | 履修区分 | 選択 |
授業概要 | This course first takes stock of various aspects of environmental problems afflicting the Earth. It then focuses on international efforts to address these issues especially global warming, as well as policies of major countries on global warming. |
授業のねらい・到達目標 | This course is designed to help students acquire an overview of the relationship between the Earth and the environment,in particular the state of global warming and efforts to mitigate them.The lecturer urges the participating students to think over what they can contribute to fighting global warming. この科目は文理学部(学士(文学))のディプロマポリシーDP2,DP3,DP4,DP5及びカリキュラムポリシーCP5,CP6,CP8に対応しています。 |
授業の方法 | Mostly lecture with students' participation encouraged. Students should spend 2 hours each to complete their preparation and homework. |
履修条件 | none |
授業計画 | |
1 |
orientation explaining the outline, purpose and method of this course. 【事前学習】Think about why you want to take up this course. 【事後学習】Read again the syllabus. |
2 |
Study global warming in terms of its phenomenon and various scenarios from now on. 【事前学習】Read the handout on global warming to be distributed. 【事後学習】Write down your opinion on global warming. |
3 |
Study the Kyoto protocol. 【事前学習】Read the handout on the Kyoto Protocol. 【事後学習】Write your opinion on the Kyoto protocol. |
4 |
Study the UN IPCC report. 【事前学習】Read the handout on the UN report. 【事後学習】Write your opinion on the UN report.. |
5 |
Study the Paris agreement. 【事前学習】Read the handout on the Paris agreement. 【事後学習】Write your opinion on the Paris agreement. |
6 |
Study the plastic waste problem. 【事前学習】Read the handout on plastic waste. 【事後学習】Write your opinion on plastic waste. |
7 |
Study the deforestation problem. 【事前学習】Read the handout on deforestation. 【事後学習】Write your opinion on deforestation. |
8 |
Study biodiversity. 【事前学習】Read the handout on biodiversity. 【事後学習】Write your opinion on bidodiversity. |
9 |
Study ozone holes. 【事前学習】Read the handout on ozone holes. 【事後学習】Write your opinion on ozone holes. |
10 |
Study the U.S.environmental policies. 【事前学習】Rad the handout on the U.S. environmental policies. 【事後学習】Write your opinion on the U.S. environmental poliieis. |
11 |
Study the EU's environmental policies. 【事前学習】Read the handout on the EU environmentak policies. 【事後学習】Write your opinion on the EU environmental policies. |
12 |
Study China's environmental policies 【事前学習】Read the handout on China's environmental policies. 【事後学習】Write your opinion on China's environmental policies. |
13 |
Study Japan's environmental policies. 【事前学習】Read the handout on Japan's environmental policies. 【事後学習】Write your opinion Japan's environmental policies. |
14 |
term-end test and explanation 【事前学習】Re-read the handouts. 【事後学習】Review the test result. |
15 |
summary and guidance for further study 【事前学習】Devise plans for further study. 【事後学習】Compare global warming policies of major countries. 【事後学習】Compare global warming policie of major countries. |
その他 | |
教科書 | 使用しない |
参考書 | 使用しない |
成績評価の方法及び基準 | レポート(30%)、授業内テスト(60%)、授業参画度(10%) |
オフィスアワー | 10 minutes after the class (appointment needed). |