令和元年度入学者 | Culture of Japan 2 | ||||
教員名 | 青柳寛 | ||||
単位数 | 2 | 学年 | 1~4 | 開講区分 | 文理学部 |
科目群 | 総合教育科目 | ||||
学期 | 半期 | 履修区分 | 選択 |
授業概要 | JAPANESE POPULAR VISUAL ARTS AND PERFORMANCES – The Cultural History of Manga, Anime and Japanimation _______________________________________________________________________________________________ This course covers the cultural history of Japanese manga and animation. Students will examine the role played by these genres of Japanese popular visual arts (JPVA), prominent values which are projected in these art-forms, as well as modes and means in which JPVAs are produced and consumed over time. Both English and Japanese will be utilized, and interactive classes will be attempted. ※この講座では漫画やアニメーションを含む日本のポピュラービジュアルアーツ(以下JPVA)の文化史をカバーする。JPVAによって表現される日本的な価値観について学ぶと共に、これが果たしてきた社会的な役割や生産様式について吟味・考察を重ねる。授業は英語と日本語を合理的に取り入れながら履修生自らの解説能力の助長を図る。 |
授業のねらい・到達目標 | To enhance skills in academic acquisition, research, and communication in both English and Japanese – mainly for Japanese students who are interested in studying and working abroad. ※主に海外での留学や仕事を考えている学部生に対し、英語と日本語の双方を駆使した学術的なコミュニケーションを通して、日本の事情や日本文化の諸相をよりよく理解し伝えて行くスキルを養う。 この科目は文理学部(学士(文学))のディプロマポリシーDP2,DP3,DP4,DP5及びカリキュラムポリシーCP5,CP6,CP8に対応しています。 |
授業の方法 | 1) A series of lectures to enhance acquisition 2) Assignments that aim to enhance summarization skills 3) Presentations that facilitate skills in research and communication |
履修条件 | No specific background is required, but students must be willing to learn, think, and communicate for the sake of personal betterment. ※既成の専門知識は要求されないが、学術的な探究と思索とコミュケーションの意欲は持ち合わせていることが必要である。 |
授業計画 | |
1 |
Course Introduction: On the Sociocutural Study of JPVA 【事前学習】Pick up key words, and conduct your own search and preview. 【事後学習】Systematize your lecture note for this week. |
2 |
From Animism to Japanimation: A Historical Overview 【事前学習】Pick up key words, and conduct your own search and preview. 【事後学習】Systematize your lecture note for this week. |
3 |
Dogū and Jōmon Culture: Some Animistic Speculations 【事前学習】Pick up key words, and conduct your own search and preview. 【事後学習】Systematize your lecture note for this week. |
4 |
Protohistoric Doodles and Giga Edutainments 【事前学習】Pick up key words, and conduct your own search and preview. 【事後学習】Systematize your lecture note for this week. |
5 |
Nara-e and Fūryū: Popularization of High Arts in the Middle Ages 【事前学習】Pick up key words, and conduct your own search and preview. 【事後学習】Systematize your lecture note for this week. |
6 |
Research Project and Presentation Workshop / Exam 1 【事前学習】Pick up key words, and conduct your own search and preview. 【事後学習】Systematize your lecture note for this week. |
7 |
Ukiyo-e from the Floating World of Edoites 【事前学習】Pick up key words, and conduct your own search and preview. 【事後学習】Systematize your lecture note for this week. |
8 |
On Hokusai and His Manga Revolution 【事前学習】Pick up key words, and conduct your own search and preview. 【事後学習】Systematize your lecture note for this week. |
9 |
Ponchi-e and Democratic Movements from the Meiji Period 【事前学習】Pick up key words, and conduct your own search and preview. 【事後学習】Systematize your lecture note for this week. |
10 |
Inflow of Cinematographic Technology and the Dawn of Japanimation: 【事前学習】Pick up key words, and conduct your own search and preview. 【事後学習】Systematize your lecture note for this week. |
11 |
Masaoka Kenzō and Tōei Dōga Company 【事前学習】Pick up key words, and conduct your own search and preview. 【事後学習】Systematize your lecture note for this week. |
12 |
On Masaoka Children: From Yasuji Mori to Hayao Miyazaki 【事前学習】Pick up key words, and conduct your own search and preview. 【事後学習】Systematize your lecture note for this week. |
13 |
Tezuka Osamu and His Anime Revolution 【事前学習】Pick up key words, and conduct your own search and preview. 【事後学習】Systematize your lecture note for this week. |
14 |
3D Anime and the Incorporation of CG Techniques 【事前学習】Pick up key words, and conduct your own search and preview. 【事後学習】Systematize your lecture note for this week. |
15 |
Course Summary / Exam 2 【事前学習】Pick up key words, and conduct your own search and preview. 【事後学習】Systematize your lecture note for this week. |
その他 | |
教科書 | ※Students will ANIMATE their own textbooks based on class lectures! |
参考書 | Relevant sources will be assigned and instructed in class! |
成績評価の方法及び基準 | 授業内テスト(30%)、授業参画度(10%)、TEXTBOOK (A Bundle of Lecture Notes)(40%)、Class Presentation (Team Presentation according to the class size)(20%) 過去に行ったアンケートの内、信憑性の高いものによる意見を汲みながら授業の軌道修正を図る。 |
オフィスアワー | Before and after class hours |