文理学部シラバスTOP > 文理学部 > 英語 > 英語2



科目名 英語2
教員名 トパーシグマンド
単位数    1 学年    1 開講区分 文理学部
科目群 外国語科目
学期 後期 履修区分 選択
授業概要 This course is designed to help learners acquire communicative competence through the receptive and productive language skills of reading, listening, speaking and writing. The main focus and emphasis will be on conversation with attention to critical thinking.
授業のねらい・到達目標 ・英語を聞いて、おおよその内容を理解できる。

授業の方法 演習方式 演習方式 Students are expected to spend and average of 1 hour on homework and home preparation for class. Homework may include listening to audio recording, reading the text and class handouts, and using the Internet.
Students are supposed to spend 1 hour to complete preparation and homework on each class.
履修条件 ①英語習熟度別クラス分けテストを受け、その結果により振り分けられたクラスで履修すること。
1 Introductions: Course, Teacher, Students. Students will be expected to have read the syllabus before coming to class.
2 Appositives; Scanning for Dates; pauses. Make sure to do your homework assignment in preparation for the class. This will help you to ask questions and understand the lesson better. Please review your notes and handouts after class.
3 During; Skimming to Understand Organization; Sentence Stress. Do your homework in preparation for the class. Please review your notes and handouts after class.
4 Look like; Scanning for Names; Wh- Question Intonation. Do your homework assignment in preparation for the class. This will help you to ask questions and understand the lesson better. Please review your notes and handouts after class.
5 Before / After; Scanning for Details; Common Mistakes. Before coming to class, do the required reading assignment in preparation for this class. Please review your notes and handouts after class.
6 However; Skimming for Paragraph Topics; Gaining Time to Think. Make sure to do your homework assignment in preparation for the class. This will help you to ask questions and understand the lesson better. Please review your notes and handouts after class.
7 As; Skimming and Paraphrasing for Main Ideas; -Ness Suffixes. Do the assigned homework to prepare you for this class. Please review your notes and handouts after class.
8 Review: Review all previous classwork including your notes, handouts, and your textbook. Be prepared to ask and answer questions.
9 Passive Voice; Scanning for Countries; “You” for Instructions. Make sure to do your homework assignment in preparation for the class. This will help you to ask questions and understand the lesson better. Please review your notes and handouts after class.
10 Second Conditional Tense; Skimming for Key Information; Word Stress. Do your homework in preparation for the class. Please review your notes and handouts after class.
11 Due to; Skimming and Scanning for Organization; Hedging with Adverbs.
12 Not only, but also; Skimming for Main Ideas; Expressing Surprise. Do the required reading assignment in preparation for this class. Please review your notes and handouts after class.
13 Introducing Opinions; Scanning for Opinions; Linking Sounds. Don't forget to do your homework in preparation for the class. This will help you to ask questions and understand the lesson better. Please review your notes and handouts after class.
14 So + Adjective + That; Skimming and Reading for Details; Yes / No Question Intonation. Do your homework assignment before coming to class. This will help you to ask questions and understand the lesson better. Please review your notes and handouts after class.
15 Review (Q & A)/ Test: Prepare for test and review all previous classwork including your notes, handouts, and your textbook.
教科書 Patricia Ackert, Linda Lee, Eric Hawkins, Harry Haynes, Jessica Beck, Stefan Kostarelis, Facts & Figures, Updated Edition:Cengage Learning, Cengage Learning, 2004, 4 edition
参考書 使用しない
成績評価の方法及び基準 試験(35%)、授業内テスト(35%)、授業参画度(30%)
The above grade distribution will add up to a perfect score of 100% in the course.

Student participation will be measured by the following activities: (a) questions asked by individual student, (b) classwork completion by individual student, (c) participation in pear-work, group-work, (d) individual, paired, or group presentation, (e) individual response to teacher's question, (f) voluntary response to teacher's questions.
オフィスアワー 8:30 on Mondays in the teachers lounge.
備考 In addition to the prescribed textbook, students will be assigned materials from other sources including the Internet, books, magazines, newspapers, and handouts.
