科目名 | 英語1 | ||||
教員名 | モハメッドガマル | ||||
単位数 | 1 | 学年 | 1 | 開講区分 | 文理学部 |
科目群 | 外国語科目 | ||||
学期 | 前期 | 履修区分 | 選択 |
授業概要 | This class will focus on oral productive skills. Students will become familiar with elementary/upper elementary terminology and vocabulary. Classes will include exercises designed to be done individually, in pairs, and in groups. Students will be expected to complete homework assignments and tests. Oral and written exams will be administered at the end of each semester. Attendance is an important aspect of this class and students are expected to have a high rate of attendance to be eligible for a pass mark. |
授業のねらい・到達目標 | After completing this course, students will: Be able to talk about their family, hobbies and vacations Be able to order a meal in a restaurant and book a hotel room Be able to give advice regarding shopping, traveling and personal problems Be able to engage in both casual and formal telephone conversations Be able to effectively describe places, people and objects この科目は文理学部(学士(文学))のディプロマポリシーDP2,DP4,DP5及びカリキュラムポリシーCP5,CP8に対応しています。 |
授業の方法 | Students will be able to create role-play dialogues in almost every class. These tasks are designed to maximize student learning and provide realistic situations for the students to practice skills learned in class. These dialogues will also form the main material of the speaking tests at the end of each semester. Students are expected top spend at least 30 minutes preparing for lessons and at least 60 minutes completing post-lesson activities. |
履修条件 | ①英語習熟度別クラス分けテストを受け、その結果により振り分けられたクラスで履修すること。 ②英語習熟度別クラス分けテスト未受験の者は、外国語教育センターで振り分けられたクラスで履修すること。振り分けられたクラス以外での履修はできません。 ③「英語1」(前期)と「英語2」(後期)は同一教員による同一時限のクラスを履修すること。 ④卒業に必要な外国語科目として「英語」を選択した場合、必ずこの科目を履修すること。 |
授業計画 | |
1 |
Topic - Guidance & Introduction 【事前学習】 Pre- Review course contents and requirements 【事後学習】 Post- Understand contents and criteria, write up self-introduction |
2 |
Topic- Personal Information 【事前学習】 Pre- Read Question forms 【事前学習】 Post- Practice asking and answering simple questions |
3 |
Topic- Social Life: Talking about interests 【事前学習】 Pre- Consider free-time activities 【事後学習】 Post- Make dates and special arrangements |
4 |
Topic- Family: Describing family members 【事前学習】 Pre- Think about family members 【事後学習】 Post- Write a description of family member |
5 |
Topic- On the Road: Remembering past trips 【事前学習】 Pre- Remember recent travel experiences 【事後学習】 Post- Complete travel dialogues |
6 |
Topic- Enjoy Your Trip: Asking about vacations 【事前学習】 Pre- Future vacations and trips 【事後学習】 Post- Make choices and decisions for dialogue |
7 |
Topic- Recap & Consolidation Activities 【事前学習】 Pre- Review course so far 【事後学習】 Post- Use vocabulary and grammatical structures in exercises |
8 |
Topic- Travel Advice: Giving and taking advice 【事前学習】 Pre- Think about things we should and shouldn't do when traveling 【事後学習】 Post- Complete exercises about giving advice for problems |
9 |
Topic- Travelers Tales: Listening to unusual stories 【事前学習】 Pre- Read the stories about travel 【事後学習】 Post- Tell stories about past travel events |
10 |
Topic- Being in Touch: Telephoning a friend 【事前学習】 Pre- Review notes on present continuous and perfect tenses 【事後学習】 Post- Complete homework exercises |
11 |
Topic- Catching Up and Communication: Reporting news 【事前学習】 Pre- Prepare for discussion on past events 【事後学習】 Post- Review last unit |
12 |
Topic- Giving Opinions: Responding to a news item 【事前学習】 Pre- Consider technology and uses 【事後学習】 Post-Learn technology terms and vocabulary |
13 |
Topic- Dialogue Preparation 【事前学習】 Pre- Prepare for role-play activities 【事後学習】 Post- Review dialogues |
14 |
Topic- Perform Dialogues 【事前学習】 Pre- Prepare for role-play activities 【事後学習】 Post- Review dialogues |
15 |
Topic- Grammar and vocabulary review and consolidation 【事前学習】 Pre- Grammar and vocabulary recap 【事後学習】 Post- Review of tests and performances |
その他 | |
教科書 | McGowen, Bruce & Richardson,Viv. , CLOCKWISE: PRE-INTERMEDIATE , OXFORD, 2014 |
参考書 | 使用しない |
成績評価の方法及び基準 | レポート(20%)、授業内テスト(40%)、授業参画度(30%)、Quizzes(10%) Students will be graded on the completion of classroom activities, completion of 3 vocabulary quizzes, role-play speaking tasks, weekly news story discussion, end of term presentation and writing test. This class will not have a mid-term exam. Quizzes will take place every 3-4 weeks and the presentation will be given during the final 3 weeks of classes. The final class will be set aside for consultation and make-up tests. Students’ participation will be measured by attitude. |
オフィスアワー | Students may contact the teacher anytime by e-mail: [email protected] |