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英語2 (体育)


英語2 (体育)
教員名 オクハラ,ジョージ
単位数    1 学年    1 開講区分 文理学部
科目群 外国語科目
学期 後期 履修区分 選択
授業テーマ Basic level of English through repeated practical usage with basic grammar.
授業のねらい・到達目標 Aims of class
The aim of English II is to be able to communicate in every day situations and to gain a basic understanding of concerns in global society through basic understanding of concerns
in global society through basic English vocabulary and to be able to expresso opinions in conversation and writing. Completing participants should also have knowledge or international affairs.
授業の方法 The course is to acquire a basic level of English through repeated practical usage. Basic grammar with therefore be reviewed while also learning everyday English expressions. During class, students will explore issues in global society through short English readings and video clips, and do conversation and writing practice related to the themes.
履修条件 ①英語習熟度別クラス分けテストを受け、その結果により振り分けられたクラスで履修すること。
事前学修・事後学修,授業計画コメント The aim of English II is to be able to communicate in every day situations and to gain a basic understanding of concerns in global society through basic understanding of concerns
in global society through basic English vocabulary and to be able to expresso oinions in conversation and writing. Completing participants should also have knowledge or international affairs. Students must work on e-wWorkbook as homework, especially if you are absent from classes, you must do e-Work for days of absence.
Blog:aiinstitute,blogspot.com and e-mail address: [email protected]
1 Week 1: In and out, Eating in, Cuban style
Preparation:Read and write journal daily with e-workbook 8
2 Week 2: Going out in London
Preparation:Read and write journal/workbook 8
3 Week 3: Here and there, Living underground
Preparation:Read and write journal/workbook 8
4 Week 4: 48 hours in Vancouver
Preparation:Read and write journal/workbook 9
5 Week 5: Ancient and Modern, Ancient civilizations
Preparation:Read and write journal/workbook 9
6 Week 6: the Khmer and the Maya, Cairo
Preparation:Read and write journal/workbook 10
7 Week 7: Life and Times, DNA man, the biography of Francis Crick
Preparation:Read and write journal/workbook 10
8 Week 8: Around the world in 2004
Preparation:Read and write journal/work 11
9 Week 9: Question and Answer, The Southern Day frog
Preparation:Read and write journal/workbook 11
10 Week 10: Tribes, The TV series: Tribes
Preparation:Read and write journal/workbook 12
11 Week11: Business and Pleasure, EuroStar in numbers:A business trip
Preparation:Read and write journal/workbook 12
12 Week 12: Moscow: A bus tour of Moscow
Preparation:Read and write journal/workbook 13
13 Week 13: Arts and Technology: Wall paintings: Two paintings
Preparation:Read and write journal/workbook 13
14 Week 14: Learning and Language, A Papua New Guinea language
Preparation:Read and write journal/workbook 14
15 Week 15:Final presentation and conclusion
Preparation:Read and write journal/workbook 15
教科書 Candfield, Lindsay, Global: Beginner course book:Global: Beginner course book with e-Workbook, Macmillan, 2010, 1 edition
成績評価の方法及び基準 平常点(25%)、レポート(25%)、授業内テスト(25%)、授業参画度(25%)
オフィスアワー Office hours
I will be available before classes or through internet address of [email protected].
備考 Other
Students must work on e-wWorkbook as homework, especially if you are absent from classes, you must do e-Work for days of absence.
Blog:aiinstitute,blogspot.com and e-mail address: [email protected]
