文理学部シラバスTOP > 文理学部 > 総合 II 群 > The Japanese and Religion (日本人と宗教)

The Japanese and Religion (日本人と宗教)


The Japanese and Religion (日本人と宗教)
The Japanese and Religion
教員名 梅川 純代
単位数    2 学年 1~4 開講区分 文理学部
学期 前期 履修区分 選択
授業テーマ This series of lecture will attempt to see the religiosity of Japanese and "religion" in Japan. We will start with the idea of life and death in Japan, which will be followed by the outlines of evolution of Buddhism itself as well as that of Buddhism in Japan. Then, we will move on to the matter of "heresy" as well as "Newly Developed Religion" in Japan. Eventually, we will consider the religiosity and religious thoughts of Japanese observed in modern "pop" culture, like ANIME.
授業のねらい・到達目標 This series attempts to grasp the religious thoughts of Japanese which has continued from antiquity to today. By looking through the evolution and development of Buddhist theories as well as practices not only in Japan but also in the world, we would understand the connection and relation between human mind and religiosity. Also by going through the conceptual matters in religion, we would investigate the necessity of religiousness in human mind. Concequently, the series hope students to know the existence of "religious thoughts" even in modern society.
授業の方法 This series will be held in a lecture style. Students will be required to submit some short essays during the course.
事前学修・事後学修,授業計画コメント There is no need for any preparation for the lecture. It would be, however, preferable for students to read some books which will be mentioned during the lessons. Also, students will be required to hand in some short essays on given topics as well as one final long essay of which theme is free. Therefore, it would be again preferable for students to start thinking what to write and collecting appropriate materials for the final essay.
1 Introduction
2 The Idea of Life and Death in Japan
3 Outline of the Development Buddhism 1 (From Original to Mahayana Movement)
4 Evolution of Japanese Buddhism 1 (From its Arrival to National Buddhism)
5 Outline of the Development of Buddhism 2 (From Ethoteric Buddhism to Tantlism)
6 Evolution of Japanese Buddhism 2(Two Talents---Saicho and Kukai)
7 Evolution of Japanese Buddhism 3 (Evaluatoin and Evolution during Kamakura Period)
8 Japanese Heresies 1 (From Daruma Branch to Christianity)
9 Japanese Heresies 2 (Concerning about So-Called "Tachikawa-Sect")
10 Pre Modern and Modern Evolution 1 (Newly Developed Religion and New Newly Developed Religion)
11 Pre Modern and Modern Evolution 2 (From Reigaku Movement to "New Spiritual Movement")
12 Religious Ideas in Modern Culture 1 (Religiousity and Religiousness in Pop Culture)
13 Religious Ideas in Modern Culture 2 (Religious Thoughts in "The Sprited Away")
14 Revision/ Test Week
15 Religious Ideas in Modern Cultrue 3 (Religious Thoughts in "Princess Mononoke")
成績評価の方法及び基準 平常点(30%)、レポート(60%)、授業参画度(10%)
オフィスアワー E-mail me to [email protected]
